Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rape trauma syndrome

What is Rape Trauma Syndrome? The definition by Wikipedia is:

Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS) is a form of psychological trauma and post traumatic stress disorder experienced by a rape victim, consisting of disruptions to normal physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal characteristics. The theory was first described by psychiatrist Ann Wolbert Burgess and sociologist Lynda Lytle Holmstrom in 1974.[1]
RTS describes a cluster of psychological and physical signs, symptoms and reactions common to most rape victims, during, immediately following, and for months or years after a rape.[2] While most research into RTS has focused on female victims, males who are sexually abused (whether by male or female perpetrators) have also exhibited RTS symptoms.[3] [4] RTS also paved the way for consideration of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which can more accurately describe the consequences of serious, protracted trauma than Post Traumatic Stress Disorder alone.[5]

I will use this blog to help other victims of rape as a victim myself, how best to deal with the day to day struggle of RTS.


  1. its so sad.. but nice blog :)

    follow me please

  2. that's sad.
    follow me plz

  3. It's not rape if she cums.

  4. goodluck

    will follow
